Brief: Develop a brand identity for a new line of premium THC gummies targeted at the UK market, designed to be approachable for first-time users who may be nervous about purchasing THC products. The brand should highlight the different flavours (Sour cherry, blueberry & lemonade) and their specific benefits (Energise, pain relief & relax), ensuring a welcoming and trustworthy experience.

Concept: Inspired by the psychedelic 80s era, the concept for "Bliss" aims to blend nostalgic design elements with modern sophistication. The brand seeks to provide a sense of calm and relaxation, making the first-time purchase experience as comforting and reassuring as possible. Bliss would stand out in the market through its vibrant, yet soothing visual identity and clear communication of product benefits.

Solution: The brand identity for Bliss leverages a retro-inspired typeface combined with a modern, calming colour palette to create a unique and approachable aesthetic. The Eckmannpsych font was chosen for its psychedelic touch, which aligns perfectly with the brand's ethos. Packaging designs feature the marble patterns - made from the typeface - emphasise fluidity and tranquility. These designs are intended to reassure first-time users and convey benefits of the products effectively.
Logo: The Eckmannpsych font provides a unique, psychedelic feel that is both nostalgic and approachable, aligning with the brand's calming ethos.
Colour Palette: Soft, muted tones were selected to create a sense of calm and relaxation, reinforcing the brand's promise of delivering a blissful experience.
Website: Designed to be inviting and informative, the website layout emphasises ease of navigation with a focus on the project's benefits and brand story.
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